Some people could really benefit from a real-life autocorrect. Take these 20 funny misspelled signs as a prime example. As a business owner, you don’t want to make the same mistakes!
Via Miami New Times
Via Decatur Metro
Via Oxbridge Editing
Via Jonathots
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Via TeamJimmyJoe
Via Crazy Art Ideas
Via Flickr
Via Wrns
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Via Funny Signs
Via Top Ten Talk
Via Pinterest
Via Pinterest
Via Happy Place
Via Flickr Hive Mind
It doesn’t matter if your entire retail business is online or if you run a brick and mortar retail store, ecommerce trends apply to you. That’s a trend in and of itself.
Want to give your restaurant employees a raise without it coming out of your pocket? Make it easier for them to get higher tips. We’re not suggesting more hours of training (although that probably wouldn’t hurt). We’re not talking about table dancing or karaoke either. What we’re suggesting is something as easy as using the right point of sale system.