Every sports store needs a good POS solution to keep track of its latest sneakers and other outdoor gear. Bindo Retail POS allows stores to do this exceptionally with its inventory cost control feature and customized reports to give a deep insight into how the store has been performing.
A staple in suburban New Jersey for over a decade, Takeover Stop has become a paramount destination for all things soccer related. The owners and staff have played at some of the most competitve levels and has been lending their expertise to their customers. Jeffrey, the store's managing partner, was looking to get rid of his QuickBooks POS and move on to a platform that would help grow his business. Enter Bindo and Montclair Soccer Stop stepped into the future. They love taking advantage of Bindo's Simple Scan and matrix features so they can spend less time behind the counter and more time on the floor interacting with customers. They even take their iPads out to soccer tournaments to sell products at a place where they are guaranteed to see their customers.
From climbing Everest to buying a new pair of basketball shoes, customers go to your store to get the gear they need to be at their best. Likewise, you can get yourself geared up with an iPad POS to bring your business to a whole new league. Superior inventory management means you can now seamlessly track all of your inventory and manage your hundreds and thousands of SKUs with Bindo Simple Scan Technology. Moreover, you can generate your own barcodes and stay on top of all your inventory with simplicity.
Sell thousands of products while giving your clients a smooth customer journey.
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