Bindo’s multi-store features are the perfect solution for restaurants and stores with more than one location.
To manage your entire chain, you can create a ‘master’ location with super-admin privileges and view sales across all of your locations on just one screen. Moreoover, you can set roles for your staff and give them access to certain sections.
View a list of your 100+ stores’ pending and fulfilled stock transfers while having the option to upload a batch of ingredient stock transfer requests through an Excel csv file.
Our real-time reporting system allows you to become aware of which stores, products, and staff are doing well and which ones need improvement, helping you to make your next business decisions.
Even with tens and hundreds of stores, you can boost sales and profit through your e-commerce store as long as your data is centrally located, automatically syncing in-store and online info.
Sell thousands of products while giving your clients a smooth customer journey.
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