Michelle Yuan

Check out other posts from our amazing writers

5 Reasons Your Dispensary Needs a Cannabis POS
Running a dispensary or vape shop without a modern cannabis POS is like trying to smoke marijuana without fire- you can give it a try but it won’t be anywhere near effective.
20 Interesting Retail Shops You Never Knew Existed
In the retail world, we have pet retailers, wine retailers– and zombie apocalypse retailers? Here are 20 interesting retail shops that you never would have thought existed. But oh, they do.
6 Feel Good Labor Day Facts (A Poolside Read)
Happy Labor Day, retailers! We know, we know. You’d rather be sipping margaritas by the pool than reading our blog posts. But before you get your tan on, educate yourself with these 6 feel good facts about Labor Day and America’s current labor condition. You’ll be much more proud of the work you do, making your 3-day weekend that much sweeter.
4 Things Small Businesses Need to Do Right NOW on Facebook
Small businesses and social media make today’s world go ’round. If you’re a small business and you’re not yet on Facebook, you shouldn’t feel like you’re behind. In fact, you should be super excited right now because the opportunity that lies ahead of you is tremendous.
6 Ways to Market Your Business (and Make Money) with Pinterest
“I love Pinterest because it makes me money,” wrote Charles Huff, author of How to Sell on Etsy with Pinterest, and he’s right; Pinterest users spend between $140 and $180 per order on average. Facebook and Twitter shoppers only spend $60 to $80.