August 22, 2014
Apple’s iPhone Event: Why Retailers Should Care

It’s about that time of year again. The Sleigh Bells will be ringing and the chestnuts will be roasting early again this year for Apple fans and followers all over the world. Christmas in September.

Today, to be exact.

The computer industry giant is supposedly, once again, releasing a new iPhone and it is said to have a completely new look. The screen is said to have increased in size, boosting the phone up to anywhere between 4.7” to 5.5”. Rumor also has it that there will be a protection screen made of all new, unbreakable Sapphire Crystal.

But Apple has one more trick up its sleeve…and this time, it’s for merchants.

Yes, you.


Apple is planning to incorporate NFC Mobile Payments to the list of new features the iPhone 6 will have. From a retailer’s perspective, this feature, which allows customers to remotely pay at retail stores using their iphones’ NFC function, is said to be one of (if not THE) main features of the new iPhone.

Of course, this is the next logical step. Think about it: Apple already knows the credit card information of millions of users through the iTunes Store. Plus, the fingerprint sensor, which is undoubtedly going to be carried over to the new phone, allows heightened security and creates a sense of protection. As retailers, you should be especially happy. Everyone will now have their credit cards on them without actually having them. There are now more users out there spending even more money.

Android users might say that this is something they’ve had on their Galaxy phones for a long time in the form of Google Wallet, Square etc. But looking at the bigger picture, what this basically does is put more “Easy-Payment-Technology” into the hands of even more people. Those who haven’t had it already will now be happy they have it, while retailers will be very happy that there are more people out there using this technology. Now that virtually all smartphone users have this option, as retailers, you really want to make sure you’re signed up for such a payment service.

Excited about Apple’s iPhone event today? Let us know in the comments!

Image Credits: Jessica Kirsh/Shutterstock, Laitr Kelows/Shutterstock
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