February 28, 2014
Before they frown: Have a Customer Service Recovery Plan in Place

Customers may be the livelihood of your business, but that doesn’t mean you’ll always want to deal with them. Any retail owner can attest to this. The truth is, no matter how rude or how unbearable they are, the old adage still holds true… the customer is always right. So how do we deal with these customers? The key is to find a way to neutralize their frustrations through great customer service, but before that make sure that you have a customer service recovery plan in place.

Don’t take it personally

Remember, your customers aren’t upset with you as a person; they’re frustrated with a specific company related issue. Make sure to softly guide any yelling or venting back to that issue and ignore any harsh comments made towards you. Especially in a small business setting, keeping a positive rapport with your customers is crucial.

Let the customer get it all out

Listen to everything your customers have to say. It’s important not to talk over them or be combative. Fighting fire with fire is never going to be productive. Instead, empathize with them and repeat back some of their frustrations to let them know that you’re listening and care. Furthermore, it is important to make sure that you understand the heart of their grievances. From there you can begin to address the issues and lay out how you intend to resolve them.

Break it down

This last part is perhaps the most important. Let your customers know step-by-step the next actions that you will take and be sure to follow through. If you said you’d call back within 48 hours, then call within 48 hours. If you promise the customer XYZ will happen, make sure that it does. Keeping your promises along with proper documentation of the interaction will help to make sure you’re well prepared for anything else that may arise.

By taking these three simple steps you’ll be able to defuse most situations and ensure a happy customer. Remember, the customer is always right.

How have you put smiles on the faces of your customers? Let us know in the comments!

Image Credit: Minerva Studio/Shutterstock
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